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Kamis, 07 April 2011

FileRestorePlus 3.0.2 Software Mengembalikan Datat Hilang

FileRestorePlus (sebelumnya Undelete Plus) adalah cara cepat dan efektif untuk mengambil/mengembalikan file yang telah terhapus, file dihapus dari Recycle Bin, dalam jendela DOS, dari Windows Explorer. FileRestorePlus adalah software kecil, cepat, berguna, praktis dan kuat. Program ini cepat memindai drive yang dipilih dan menyajikan anda dengan sebuah daftar file yang dapat dipulihkan, bersama dengan status untuk setiap file (sangat baik, baik, dan buruk) menunjukkan penyesuaian pemulihan lengkap. FileRestorePlus secara otomatis mengurutkan file berdasarkan tipe file dan folder, sehingga mudah untuk menemukan file-file tertentu, dan Anda juga dapat menerapkan penyaring untuk mencari file tertentu. FileRestorePlus dapat bekerja dengan sistem operasi 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista Win. Program ini mendukung semua sistem file Windows untuk hard drive dan floppy termasuk FAT12/16/32, NTFS/NTFS5 dan pemulihan gambar dari CompactFlash, SmartMedia, MultiMedia dan kartu Digital.

There's nothing quite like losing an important file you spent hours working on. But, just because you deleted it doesn't mean it's gone for good. You can use software to recover files that have been deleted. It isn't always foolproof. But many times you'll have some luck.

Sounds like magic? It isn't. You might not know it, but when you tell Windows to erase a file, Windows essentially does something like say "okay, I am now going to consider this file null and void, and will allow other data writing operations to use the space that it occupies". In other words, no actual 'erasing' of the file occurs until Windows has a need to write over the hard drive space where that the file resides. FileRestorePlus™ and programs like it do a thorough scan for files that are 'still there' on the hard drive and/or files that have enough data remaining that they can be salvaged.

More Features:
• After scanning your hard drive, FileRestorePlus™ creates file-type icons in the left margin of the screen that allow you to easily filter by file type
• FileRestorePlus™ will create folder view for the deleted files.
• FileRestorePlus™ will also allow filtering by size, date modified, and parts of the file name
• FileRestorePlus™ is a small, fast, useful, practical, and powerful.

Download FileRestorePlus 3 + Key

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